Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The documentation of the Fragmented Objects system leaves a lot to be desired. TLDR at the bottom of this post.


StickyTop & StickyBottom are used as anchors for either objects that are hanging (StickyTop) or sitting on the ground (StickyBottom), thought I'm not exactly sure how it distinguishes top from bottom. Maybe via transform, pivot, or other? ...but even then, what about meshes that are horizontally oriented with a central pivot? I should probably look into this. 

From what I have observed, setting these values to 0 effectively disables them. When > 0, the StickyTop/Bottom will include that many pieces in the StickyTop/Bottom definition. For example, if the entire column is comprised of a total of 50 pieces and I set the StickyBottom value to 50, then technically speaking the FraggedController would consider the entire column to be the bottom of the mesh. If the StickyBottom is set to 25, then only the bottom half of the column would be considered the sticky bottom.

The ConnectedFragments value serves as a threshold beyond which everything except the StickyTop/Bottom will crumble. The value of this threshold appears to define the minimum # of adjacent non-fractured pieces that are required for the structure to maintain its integrity. For example, were you to do a full accounting and discover that the maximum # of adjacent pieces in the column were...say 5, then setting the ConnectedFragments value to 5 would ensure that the destruction of a single non-bottom/top fragment would cause the entire mesh to fracture and crumble (again, notwithstanding the bottom/top). If however, you want to be able to destroy nearly the entire mesh prior to the remainder crumbling, then you would set this to a lower value of...say 1 or 2.


While each mesh is different and will contain a unique # of fractured pieces, here are a few rules of thumb.
  1. A value of 0 is equivalent to disabling that property.
  2. The larger the StickyTop/Bottom value, the more pieces will be considered to be top/bottom.
  3. The larger the ConnectedFragments value, the more easily the mesh will crumble.

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