Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More 60 second gestures. Noticeable progress between last night and tonight, which I'm measuring based on pose legibility and consistency.

Legibility -- After approaching the gesture in several different ways, I've found it best (for the time being) to draw a single line through any given body mass (eg. forearm, thigh, foot, head, etc), and with this line, do my best to encapsulate the position, proportion, & even motion of said body mass. Always, I found it easier to work top down, rather than bottom up...even on an inverted pose. Also note, that line breaks at the joints and/or whenever there's a change in the position/rotation of the body mass help with legibility as well

Consistency -- In the past, my ability to successfully generate a readable gesture in any given time frame was sporadic. The past 2 or 3 dozen gestures however, were very consistent both in terms of quality and quantity. I was able to not only produce the same quality of gesture throughout, but also able to produce a couple of lines, which would further detail the form of the body.

I'm now eager to see what I can produce in 2 minutes...will I be able to rough out the entire form of the body? Using the same method, if the 60 second gestures are the skeletal foundation (so to speak), then this would mean I'd have the same amount of time to render out double the amount of lines. For example, viewing the lateral side of the human body, the humerus (gesture) would be a single line and the bicep and the triceps (form) would each be a line of their own. As a side note, learning more anatomical terminology can't hurt

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