Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What began as abstract sketching, has become this over the past two days. I'm still not exactly sure where I want to take this piece. I'm satisfied with the look of the stasis chamber and the floor inset, but the rest of the piece still remains in question. I may potentially push the whole piece left so the stasis chamber isn't as centered, but I'm undecided on this currently. The remainder of the piece (the room, the columns, and the observation area) are still very much WIP. 

The observation room in particular bothers me, but I'm not exactly sure what about it rubs me wrong. I may try to inset it into the dome ceiling on the upper right, with a whole panel of observers instead of just the 2. I also like the idea of the observers being behind the camera with their shadows being cast into the piece itself; although I'm not sure if I want the piece to be so ominous. 

The mermaid could also do with a more interesting design. The half human, half fish is overly generic, and I'd like to design something much more compelling; especially considering it's at the heart of the image. I imagine however, that this will take a considerable amount of time since I don't have much experience in this area. 

At this point, I'm still very excited for this piece. Here's to hoping I don't lose my passion or get bogged down with other work or menial tasks. 

1 comment:

  1. good to see you've started up a blog! I think if you were to distort your image to give you a 3 point perspective it would instantly become more dynamic
