Monday, February 15, 2021

 Starting working on updating the trough asset (circled) based on reference (other images). 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

I've made several changes since my last post, which include:
  1. SFX + VFX when the nails are shot
  2. VFX when the nails hit the terrain via a newly created PoolPrefabSpawner uscript. 
  3. SFX when the lid pops off
These changes can be viewed in the video below. Also, apparently the Microsoft Gamebar doesn't record audio as a default setting, which I've since fixed.

A few other notes:

  1. I'm experiencing a performance drop when the crate is hit with a shotgun. I figured this was the result of applying the physics force for each decal instance (9 times) so I added logic to the PhysicsManager uscript to prohibit this, but regardless, I'm still seeing the performance hit. I then disabled the physics all together, & then the decal & SFX, and yet, despite all that, I'm still seeing GameCamera.Update() take a massive hit. The profiler doesn't elaborate any further, so I'm not sure what to do yet. I'll revisit this later.

  2. The SFX when shooting the wood is good, but not loud enough, yet I cannot make the audio any louder without the sample clipping. Managing the audio via sound mixers is still required, but even still, I'm not having that issue when shooting the nails off the crate, so that would indicate a problem with the sound itself. I'm guessing there's perhaps not enough mid and/or high tones to help the sample cut through the mix. Again, something I'll return to later as it's not pressing.

  3. The nails should be larger I think. Using a mouse is much easier than the firearm replicas we use on site, and given the casual nature of the game, I'd say it's a good bet.

  4. The decals used for the wood hits are casting shadows, which they should not. Easy fix

Thursday, January 28, 2021

The nails can now be shot off and the lid will pop open when all nails have been removed. 

The physics force for the nails is provided by a ShotCollisionResponse script that was not my doing; although, I did make these changes so as to only utilize the physics force on the nails when it is needed (and not before). I'd guess this isn't the ideal way to do this, but I'm not a programmer so I can only guess. 

The lid itself is handled through a uscript which contrasts the total number of nails against those that have been shot off and takes the appropriate action.

It's a start. 

Side note: the video shows my mouse tracking maybe 1/4" higher than its actual position...weird.

The player shoots n number of nails off the crate one by one; once all nails have been shot, the lid animates off the crate, and....something emerges. 

Gold (coin/nugget/bar/pile) is the first thing that comes to mind and would suite the environment. It also fits within the context of the various GoldMiner targets. Perhaps that connection could also be capitalized somehow. 

Regarding the function of the gold (or whatever) that emerges, I'm not sure. The first thing that comes to mind is an allotment of points when shooting the gold, but I can't say I really care for that. I'd rather it be something more interesting, more...engaging. I'll give it more thought; for now I know enough to get started.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Ran into a few issues when combining all of the duplicate instances that comprised the CrateA mesh and had to do the following:

  1. Make each instanced mesh unique via the MakeSingleUser (object+data) function
  2. Ensure all of the UV maps from each mesh that would be joined together were the same. Apparently, Blender defaults to giving unique objects unique UV map names, which can cause the previously packed UVs to get unpacked and/or potentially in need of complete UVing all over again...though I can't speak to the latter part as I didn't look into it. 
  3. Clear the custom split normal data on certain objects. Again, I don't know why this would be necessary, but prior to doing this I was seeing previously flat shaded corners areas become if they were completely ignoring the autosmooth (30ยบ) despite it being enabled. 
I suppose the lesson here is that each mesh contains a bunch of its own data that must be taken into account when joining objects together. I expect I'll be running into this a lot as join is a common function. 

I think I'm calling this crate complete (at least, for now). Crate contains D, M/S, N, & AO. Unfortunately, simple images are a cheap solution for presentation. What is really needed is a model viewer. I'm guessing there are solutions to be had, but I should also consider another solution apart from blogspot. For obvious reasons, ArtStation is the first thing that comes to mind.

As a side note, using heavily compressed RGBA Crunched DXT5 has reduced the file size of the M/S texture; seemingly without sacrificing image quality. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

 Nearly done with the diffuse. Took a 30 min detour making the washed out plank in a more realistic style; knowing full well I wouldn't intend on the final looking as such. Still, it's an interesting result and process. With such muted colors and values it's more difficult for my eyes to see the work that needs to be done in order to achieve the desired result and is instead a more intuitive abstract process relying on the fundamental process I'm using to paint all the wood in general. When this crate is finally complete, I should probably make an effort to review, consolidate, and document my painting process.